Category: books
Lessons From: The Prince (by Nicolo Machiavelli)
in booksWhile this book did not make my Top Ten list, it was referenced multiple times by the authors within that list. So, I just had to see for myself. While I don’t think everything is applicable today (like killing all of the family members of your freshly conquered enemies), I think a lot of the…
Why “The Algorithm” by Hilke Schellmann is a Must-Read Before Your Next Job Search
in booksIn today’s hyper-connected world, algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) play a massive role in shaping our professional lives, often in ways we don’t fully understand. Whether you’re applying for your dream job or simply navigating your daily routine at work, algorithms are silently influencing the decisions that affect you—from reading your resume to tracking your…
Top 10: Books
These are the top ten books that I’ve read that marked a shift in my thinking and approach to life. As a side note, this list will exclude any religious texts which could have it’s own top ten list.